305: He's Back....

Ok, so I’m back.  So what of it?  I was away, now I have returned.  I had no real desire to fire up once again, to open the sluice gates and allow the bile to run free, but public demand – and, in this case I mean three people – has forced my feeble hands into jotting down my own unique brand of thoughts and over inflated opinions.  That’s right, over inflated.  Trust me, just because I, or anyone else for that matter, have an opinion, it doesn’t mean it’s right, nor does it mean that it should be adopted as the gospel truth.  And if you don’t like that then fuck off right now and save us both the time and trouble – me the trouble of having to explain myself and you the time of having to wade through my bullshit in the vain hopes that a gem of enlightenment might suddenly pop up like Ron Jeremy’s cock at a porn party.  It ain’t gonna happen.  Nope, not in a heartbeat.  Some people aspire to achieve mediocrity, some never get that far.  I’m kind of halfway in between.


So, for the eight people who are left reading this far, let’s recap as to where we’re currently at in our lives.  In fact, let’s not.  I you want to tell me then go right ahead, there is a comment section on this blog, it’d be nice to see someone other than a spam artist using it.  As for me, still in the same job, still married to a person with the grace of Kelly and the patience of Gandhi, such skills are vital for being in my presence for more than twenty minutes, or so I’ve been told.  I’m still a drunk on certain occasions, I still complain about people and I have no tolerance for idiots.  Fuck ‘em.  You voted Liberal, you deal with the shit that we’re currently in, a climate of lies, secrets, mis-information and corruption.  You gets what you pay for really.  I know where my salt falls on the chips.


But, that’s for another day…and that day is coming very soon.  Now that I’m shaking off the dust and shit, releasing the kraken will be easy.  I’ve a lot to say and not much time to say it, so sit down, shut up or piss off.


Anonymous said…
Welcome back. We've missed you!
Unknown said…
Personally I think you should come back again.... Reserruct.... Like you know who.

I came across your blog after googling Norm Barber and I've spent an enjoyable morning reading your articles.

Id love to read more


Unknown said…
Personally I think you should come back again.... Reserruct.... Like you know who.

I came across your blog after googling Norm Barber and I've spent an enjoyable morning reading your articles.

Id love to read more



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