#98: Washing

Nice day, sun shining, drive past...oh dear. Have to stop, check some details and wander up the driveway and knock on the door. It's a simple question, but seriously, I've never asked it before.
ME: "May I ask why you've got clothes hanging off tree branches in your front yard?"
T: "Well where else am I supposed to hang my washing out to dry?"
ME: "Perhaps you could use the clothes line out the back? That's why we install them."
T: "Don't be stupid. That's where my boyfriend hangs his car parts when he spray paints them."
ME: "Silly me then. Why is there a television out here in the middle of the lawn?"
T: "If you know of a better place for a broken TV I'd love to hear it."
ME: "Perhaps the dump? Or the bin?"
T: "Isn't it against the law to throw out TVs?"
ME: "Not that I'm aware of. I do know it's against our policies for you to have one on your front lawn."

With that the door closed. I'd like to say I've seen odder, but it wasn't the oddest thing I saw that day. Nope, not by a long stroke...


Anonymous said…
You mean to tell me that the original hills hoist is for spray painting car parts and not hanging out laundry?

And to think I'd been doing it wrong all these years...
PimpDaddy said…
If I were an employee of the Housing commission that this F'ers slammed the door shut on me, I'd put in the necessary paper work for an instant eviction.

Its bad enough they are littering the place but to show arrogance is too much for this tax payer to bear.
Unanimous said…
Are you the same Pimpdaddy that comments on the Ask Bossy Blog...?

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