Burn, Baby, Burn

Today's wanker is a prize class idiot. The history in the notations says it all. He'd come into his region and abuse/threaten staff and generally run about like the ignorant swine he is. Of course he was rewarded with his own house - all the time he owed us about a grand. Now he owes us about $152,000.


Easy. He burnt his house down because he was evicted.

Here's how it happened. Our guy, let's call him Garry (because the only Garrys I know are wankers), moved into his house and proceeded to start running amok. His favourite passtime is threatening people with knives and other weapons and bashing any woman who comes along. Not sure if he bashes guys, but as he always backs down when a male doesn't back off it's a safe bet that he'd go the king hit from behind only. We started to get complaints about this idiot the day after he moved in and most of the complaints were substantiated. It was hard for him to prove otherwise. For example: we got a complaint about noise and the sounds of a girl screaming, thumps and the obvious noises of a fight. We followed it up and lo and behold when we knocked on the door he wasn't home. His girlfriend, a class act in her own right, informed us that Garry wasn't home because he'd been arrested and locked up for bashing his ex-girlfriend to a pulp in the street the night before. So that complaint was substantiated, as was the complaint that his new girlfriend had moved in without letting us know. We need to know so we can increase the rent.

Unfortunately the cops can't do what the RSPCA do with wild animals - they have to let them go. A bit of gas might help, but nooooo. So out he came and on he carried. Eventually we served him with eviction papers and once the process ran it's course (and believe me, it's near impossible to get evicted from one of our places, and it takes months) we physically evicted him. You'd think that'd be it, but if you did then you're wrong, oh so wrong.

The night before he got turfed he kicked the living suitcase out of his girlfriend, again on the street. Cops were called but no-one answered. We threw them out and twenty minutes later into the region they came - yep, still the happy couple despite the fact that he beats her up, and I mean physically bashes her into hospital on a regular basis - screaming about how they were thrown out and how we'd stolen the clothes from their back yard line and also a pile of CDs. Sure we did. The HM goes with them - not alone - and in they go and start to threaten the HM. Garry sits back while his skank of a girlfriend does the threats and advances on the HM. The back-up HM alerts the cops and off they go, back to the region to complain some more.

So today they went back to the house. Like the criminal masterminds they are they caught a cab and had the cab wait while they broke into the house, got what they could load into the taxi and then left. But before they left they set the place on fire. You'd think if you were going to commit arson you'd be a bit more discreet about it. The cops came out, out came the HMs and well, that's $50,000 worth of house gone. The cops arrested the skank, she says they didn't do it, but then she probably believes that it's all our fault in the first place for evicting them. Garry is still on the run. You'll be able to read about it in the papers tomorrow morning.

Where does that leave us? One house down with a lot of cleaning up to do. This is the punchline. These shitbags will be applying for a house when they both get out of the slot (they have a baby - Lord knows how they keep it). They'll get support letters. They'll go to ministers. They'll go to any bleeding heart social worker they can find. They'll go to the media and complain about being victimised. They'll do anything to get re-housed and they will be re-housed.

Then it all happens again. The circle will be complete, as D Vader once said.

And there's nothing that we can do about it. Will Garry ever pay back the $150,000? Will John Howard ever tell the truth? You'll have more luck with the latter than the former. Of course Garry won't pay us the money. YOU'LL be paying us the money - if you're a tenant then with a rent increase, if you're a worker you'll be giving us more in taxes. The public pays for Garry to burn houses down in more ways than one. Sure he'll go to gaol for it, but that's not the point. So remember this - when you pay your taxes you're paying for these little bastards to burn your money. When you see or hear them crying about how harshly they've been done by, ask yourself this - do I know the full story? If the answer is no then just call us and ask. Then see if you want to help them, or help the poor guy who had to flee a domestic violence situation with his 2 year old child, and whom we can't house because the swine of the world come first in many people's eyes.

The system never worked. Never has, never will.


Zaphod said…
So many idiots. So few bullets
Anonymous said…
ive read all your entries and just have one word to say..... wow.
Anonymous said…
I keep checking back here for the next instalment, and also to make sure you are still here, im worried that one day ill come and you wont be here...
I don't think there will be any more entries, it's been too long now
Anonymous said…
heard from friends that our dearly beloved RSC got caught... i.e. his employers found out about this blog.

Don't know what the consequences were.
The Regional Support Clerk said…
Fret not, I'll be back sooner than expected...
Anonymous said…
Wooohooo! Glad to hear it! Been missing you!

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