Some books just make you chuckle at how crazy they are - and this is no exception. Written by our good mate Norm Barber, he of the non-flushing turds, ads written on toilets walls and Professional Bum, this tome is as hard to find as anything that he ever wrote, and with good cause. It's not that Norm couldn't write, it's just that he had absolutely no idea of writing an impartial book. Actually Norm couldn't write anything impartial really, I think he'd probably disagree with his own name. Norm hated, and possibly still does, anything to do with the Government and any form of social services. Actually, I'll alter that, Norm doesn't hate the services, he loves them, after all he's lived his entire life on the dole and is a self confessed leach, but what really boils Norm's piss are the people who have to deliver those services to the likes of, well Norm Barber. You know the kind, the world owes them everything, argumentative, arrogant, know it...