#310: Tony The Toothless Tiger
I just can't work people out. I'm seeing and reading comments from the same clowns who, a mere fortnight ago, were applauding Tony Abbott for his 'fine' work in keeping asylum seekers out of the country by putting them in a concentration camp on Manus Island and voted him in on his lies are now calling for his head because of the Budget. I guess you have to give Abbott credit in one area - he's been consistent with his punishment of everyone and anyone who isn't wealthy. He said he'd 'stop the boats' - he hasn't, he just stopped telling people about them - and the masses roared in approval. He ran on a platform of xenophobia, hatred and lies, and the masses rushed out to vote for him. But now the shoe is on the other foot and people realise that Abbott isn't just the 'saviour' of the 'great white Australian way' and that he will be taking money from the unemployed, the elderly, the sick and poor, those same people who cheered...