#123: Daddy’s Gonna Pay For Your Crashed Car
Not everything is happy days and fun stuff like someone going out on a home visit and having a dog engage in carnal knowledge of their leg. For everything that happens that makes you chuckle at the sheer insanity of people and situations, someone will always come along to bring you right down to earth, with a shattering, not shuddering, thud. Not everything that happens has a happy ending and something always happens to remind you that, despite any amount of years and knowledge thatg you've gainedThis was one such day. It started out as a perfectly normal interview. I was happy that a support worker was in attendance, and it was a support worker that I’d dealt with before and had established a rapport with. All was well really, the usual stuff, domestic violence, drugs, alcohol abuse – you name it, it was there. The person in question had almost reached the milestone birthday where life begins anew and already had twelve kids to their name, with ages ranging from the ages of...