#258: Goin' On a Lion Hunt
They never had anything like this when I was in the Elizabeth Park Cubs. I only went to the Scouts a few times before I totally lost interest and got annoyed with one of the guys there who I'm sure now has a paedobear sticker on the side mirror of his car, but that's another story. More than once my older brother and I would skip Cubs and head over to the Elizabeth Park Chip Shop where we'd play pinball machines for an hour or so - yes, pinball machines. Asteroids was a delight, so be glad you live in a modern world. I did go on a few camps for the Cubs. I suspect that I was shuffled off to these things mainly to get me out of the house and to give my mother some peace. I enjoyed it because nobody was farting on my head or trying to beat the shit out of me just for breathing, and I had a couple of chums in the Cubs. We did the Woodside camp - I remember that was fairly fun, especially the ghost stories and the various hunts. What stuck with me...